Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holidays - ah... some nice time off

As I was nearing the end of the year and evaluating my time off work, I realized that I still had  more than 2 weeks of vacation time to use. So I decided to take off several Fridays in November and December and also to add a couple days to my Christmas holiday. I'm so excited to have 12 days away from the office and go back refreshed in 2011.

During Fridays off, I've had the opportunity to re-connect with friends I don't often see and that has been so pleasant and relaxing to hear what they've been doing, excursions they have taken and mutual friends we know.

In November, I went to Mazama in the Methow Valley with Alden and experienced my first snow and cold weather of the season. Alden has the sweetest log cabin and we had such a great time relaxing, walking in the snow and I was knitting while she prepped the cabin for winter.
Washington Pass...beautiful!

Alden's cabin from a previous visit, thus no snow in the picture
Me walking the labyrinth

In December, I had a chance to visit my friend and former colleague, Donna at her new "shack" in Snohomish. It sounds like the transformation on her place has been extensive, 'cause it's really cozy now. Her labor of love since she moved there has been to build a labyrinth. It's beautiful and amazing and I took the time to walk the labyrinth and ponder time and nature and rocks and the cold, crisp day. I was also treated to a lovely lunch and we made the commitment to do a 5 k walk together sometime in the spring. It's great incentive for her to rehab her foot!

View while walking
Each stone specifically places with frost on the path

Eating, eating, eating.... all my social visits seem to include some really great food. I've had so much fun reconnecting with great people from my Texans in Seattle meet-up group. We collected Toys for Tots donations and then sat down to some great grub at Sonrisa in U-village. This is a really fun group where it's OK to say, all ya'll, and everyone knows what you mean.

Reconnecting with another friend and former boss, Ruth include lunch at icon Grill and hearing about her trip to Italy, Spain and Portugal. It certainly stirred up the wanderlust in me and reminded me of my trip to Tuscany. I always enjoy her company and the connection we have and she's been a great mentor over the years since she retired.

Most days I walk it's dark, so it's a treat to see the path
Green Lake sunrise
Another lovely Green Lake view

Walking at Green Lake with friends on Saturdays is always a treat and I especially love when it's a lovely day. We are seldom rained out!

So many friends and so many more events coming up in the next 12 days.... I'm looking forward to re-connecting and preparing for the New Year ahead.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Experience Pottery ...

I began taking a pottery class back in April and I've been having fun making friends with the people in the class and also developing my artistic side. Rich, the instructor, is a cool guy who coaches as needed, but also leaves plenty of time for us to experience the variables of clay and water. When I was in high school I attended a pottery class and still have the nicest bowl I completed back then. I thought of actually getting back into pottery for years, but never quite had time or made time until April. After starting with some simple instruction on preparing the clay, I decided to become reacquainted with the wheel, making some simple bowls I liked and some bowls that not even a mother could love. We have these in various places around the house trying to put them to use.

Brown clay with Shadow Green glaze from wheel
Porcelain clay with various glazes
After spending some time on the wheel for a bit, I decided to focus on hand building to see how I could develop that. I feel that I finally have a knack for making some vases and free form bowls and I continue to develop my technique and experiment with new materials. I have to confess to taking ideas from Alicia in class and then developing, but she has assured me that it's OK to copy...

These are my first vases made by rolling out the clay and then rolling lace into it to make the pattern. I have developed my technique since these first, to seal the seam more smoothly and also imbed the lace in a new way. The new pieces still need fired, so time will determine how my new technique works.
Brown clay with white glaze that is wiped off.  

 And I call these pieces my Chefooly bowls. Made by rolling out the clay and then draping and forming it upside down over a flower pot to create the shape. I was really surprised at the colors in the glaze on the green bowl. Again, it's Shadow Green and the people in class are beginning to tease me about always choosing Shadow Green to glaze.
Close up of bowl
Shadow Green bowl with marbles

I really like the shape of this blue bowl, but the glaze I'm not as happy with. It looks beautiful from across the room though on the shelf!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Me in Motion...

Pictures from the race. I have a whole slew of them and it was fun to watch them import 'cause they imported really fast and it looked like I was running really, really fast.
I'm so happy the 1/2 mile swim is done and that I've found my friends!

Getting ready to take off for 12 miles.

Returning from ride...

Does this really look like a PeeWee Herman bike to you?
Not really, but it got me there... and back!

I've been spotted on the way in from the 3.1 mile run!

I can see the finish line!

I decided it would be more impressive if I sprinted in.

I'm running so fast my hair is flying out in back and that's hard to do.

Waving to my fans again. I love my fans!

Almost there... to collect my medal and a cold bottle of water.

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Destination...

Ah… race weekend. The journey I’ve been on for several months finally has a destination in sight and I’m just thinking a bit that the journey wasn’t long enough. That I should have started my trip earlier and spent more time traveling on my bike. Ah well, it is what it is and my goal is to finish, be healthier  and not injure myself. I can now swim a mile in Lake Washington, run almost the full distance around Green Lake and I’ve been doing strength training every Friday. When I began I could barely run 3 minutes straight and it was difficult to swim just once to the buoy – ¼ mile.

So…. Saturday was the day that Noelle and I went to Seattle Center Exhibition Hall to pick up our registration numbers and swag and then take our bikes to be racked at Genesee Park. We decide to get their fairly early to “beat the crowds” since there are about 4000 women registered for the race. We have a plan that Noelle’s husband, Patrick will meet us at the park with the bikes once we have our numbers and we are also meeting Dr. Bowers where he will guide us through the transitions and help us to be comfortable with the setting. Evidently there is no “beat the crowds” by getting there early, since everyone else had the same idea and the lines went down the street around the corner and all the way to Memorial Stadium. Standing in line we had the opportunity to chat with amazing women around us and discover their journey to doing this race.

I was assigned number 904 and I will remember it forever! They wrote it on my arm and I wore it with honor. I learned my wave was #8, I was given a pink cap and my wave would start with approx. 100 other women at 7:10 am. We headed to the park and surprisingly all arrived about the same time.  We attached our numbers to everything… bikes, helmets, ourselves and a number for the front of our shirts for the next day. Noelle and I were able to each rack our bikes right next to our transition lane numbers and then took the time to practice our transitions, go down and look at the swim course and become familiar with the transition area. This became a lifesaver the next day and we had no doubt where to go for each transition.  Thank you again Dr. Bowers for the experience and calm to guide us through this.

I headed home to prepare for the next day, pack my bag, check my list, email My People with race information and question myself about the bike section. Checked my list again, took a nap and just settled in for the evening to relax by watching DVDs to take my mind off the race. I headed to bed about 10 pm and set my alarm for 5 am to allow me time to get prepared the next day, have my coffee and then head off for the shuttle bus. It was the hottest day of the summer and my room was hot, my fan was noisy, but I slept pretty well… until 1 am… hmmm… not good. I finally got back to sleep fully maybe around 4:30 and slept really well until 5:30. Uh… the plan was to get up at 5 and my alarm DID NOT go off.

One of my fears the night before had been missing my race time after preparing for so long. So the race begins with me quickly showering, making my oats, coffee and racing to catch the shuttle bus.

Pre-Race - Whew… it all worked. As I got to the transition area, my first contact was with Stephanie, my colleague and friend who was volunteering. She was there to check me into the transition area and was the person who remarked my number on my arm and leg. It was so nice to see a familiar face and see her support and excitement. I set up my transition area, struggled into my wetsuit (as usual) and began talking to a woman (Jody) who was doing the race for the 2nd time. She was a calming influence and helped me zip up. She was the first of the many amazing women who were there to calm me at just the right time during the day.

Next stop was down at the ramp to the water. Since I was in wave #8, it was very early in the race and very early in the day. I wasn’t quite sure where to go, but then I saw the sea of pink caps and knew that they were MY people, they were MY age and WE were all doing this together. We waited while 4 waves went before. This was the beginning of my emotions rising to the surface. As the tears rolled down my face I was reviewing how I had gotten to this point. How I had trained to get to this place and the people who were there to support me and those who were cheering for me from other places. I was thinking about how I was 50 years old and I had entered a race that I wouldn’t have thought possible 20 years earlier. At this point another angel stepped up to me… Heidi, to ask how I was doing? We chatted and it helped to bring me back to the present and connect with those around me again. And then it was our turn to move into the water and become the next wave to begin after our pep rally at the beginning.

The SWIM – was harder than I anticipated. It wasn’t that there were so many women, but that because of them the water was really choppy. I had trained on breathing efficiently, but never really got into the groove of it. I knew I was slow, but didn’t realize how slow. I was thinking again about how I was doing this… and then I just started visualizing myself swimming the weekend before in the same lake when it was also choppy and I had swam a mile. And I visualized all the times we had swam to the buoy every weekend since June. All that swimming paid off with my increased strength, but especially as mental training. It was still really hard and seemed very long. When I was getting close to the finish I asked one of the swim angels where I was supposed to aim myself and was glad that there were two huge buoys that I could actually see through my goggles. The volunteers at the end were amazing and directed me and one even helped me stand and then steadied me. I’m always a bit wobbly when I come out of the water. When I got out, there was a gauntlet of people cheering us as we walked back to the transition area. And in this crowd were Dr. Bowers and Mary, there to support and take pictures and encourage and unzip the suit just as he’s done each week during training. And there was Darcy, my colleague and friend, to be enthusiastic and excited as only Darcy can be! And then Noelle appeared to walk me back to transition, help me out my suit and be the solid support she’s been since we started this journey. When I was settled, it was time for her race to begin.

Transition 1 - I spent more time in the transition then I planned, since I needed to eat the oatmeal I didn’t eat earlier when I was running late and too nervous. And then I couldn’t find my watch, which I had very carefully put in a very safe place so I would have it with me for the rest of the race. I knew it was someplace very practical, but I couldn’t for the life of me remember where that practical place was. I like my watch and use it as a tool during my training so was a bit annoyed that I couldn’t find it.

The BIKE – was easier than I anticipated. I was nervous about the ride, since I didn’t feel as strong on it now as swim and run. When I began training I was most comfortable on the bike, so didn’t concentrate as much and now was really questioning my decision. My bike is a Townie commuter bike with only 8 gears. It is very HEAVY, made for comfort and packing panniers, not for speed or hills. My regular saddle broke just a few weeks before the race, so I was riding on a new seat also. This turned out to be a very good thing, since the new saddle proved to be more comfortable in the long run.
So the ride I was so nervous about proved to be a delight. The weather was beautiful… and the ride across the I-90 bridge was amazing. The water sparkled on each side and I wish I had a picture of the way Mount Rainier looked to remember forever. I was passed by almost everyone, but I was only racing myself. Early in the ride, a woman passed me as we climbed the first hill and said, “Are we gonna make this hill?” my response was “slowly”. This was when I first saw the shirts on some of the women that said, “The miracle is not that I finished the race. The miracle is that I began.” Again, more tears for me… The incline up from the bridge to the tunnel was gradual. I was slow, but I made it. Riding through the tunnel was interesting. Some women yelled, which was kind of fun. We rode almost all the way across Mercer Island, past construction areas and then came the turn around. The way back, as is often the case, seemed much shorter. I wanted my bike to go faster on the downhills, but alas, it’s not made for that. It’s made for slow and steady gets you to work. There are no cheering fans on the bridge or the tunnel. It is quiet except for the sound of the traffic from the other lanes and the women saying “on your left” which I heard a lot of. It was very peaceful. I found my watch safely in my pocket as I was heading back and saw that my time was as expected. As I got back to the Seattle side, it was so nice to hear the encouragement of the volunteers again. And getting closer to the end of the bike are more people looking for THEIR people to encourage and happy to encourage me also. And then I saw MY PEOPLE again. I was so happy to see them. Dr. Bowers and Mary and Darcy and the end of the bike and then Stephanie in the transition area. I’m amazed at how many times I was able to connect with My People and gain new energy from their enthusiasm.

Transition 2 – time to rack the bike and do the run… only 3.1 miles left between me and being able to declare I’m a Triathlete. 

The RUN – I wasn’t sure how this would go, given that I had only practiced transition from bike to run a few times. Since you are using different leg muscles, they kind of question what you are doing to them at first. They seem to be saying, “Seriously? I thought we were doing this and now you want to switch?” I knew I could always walk if I needed to and since I can walk as fast as I can run I really wasn’t worried by this time about finishing. My goal for finishing was 3 hours total including transition. I started out running. My version of running is very slow but it’s a different motion than walking so I get to call it running and it’s my race… I ran for a bit and was again moved by the shirts with the “beginning” words and my journey to get here. I decided to stop for a moment to stretch quickly and it made a world of difference for the rest of the race. My friend Julie and I have been running at Green Lake every Mon, Wed, & Fri at 5:30 am for a couple months and we have come from only running 3 min at a time to running most of the way with a short walk stint. That running training with Julie and the strength training I did with Dr. Bowers every Friday really paid off for the run. I highly recommend a Bosu ball to develop leg and ankle strength! So I was running and before the first mile I thought, “well, you could do this like training and walk for a bit now” as I was walking I was giving myself 5 minutes and then back to running. I kept checking my watch and it was moving so slowly I actually looked to see if it had stopped. I recovered so quickly that after 3 minutes I said, “what the hell, just finish by running the rest.” It was great to see the Mile 1 marker, meaning only 2 miles left. I thought we were going all the way to Orcas Street, which I was familiar with, but the turn around was several blocks sooner, which was a great psychological boost for me. There were people along the route and the path was along Lake Washington Blvd, which was a beautiful place to be. Just before the only hill, were two young women holding a sign that said, “Go MOM” or something like that and I told them I was pretending the sign was for me, also. They started cheering and jumping up and down and waving the sign for me! Also at this point were drummers playing the coolest beat and I began up the wicked hill.  Seriously… a nasty hill, but the only one. I walked the last half up the hill and then started my running again. I felt strong!!! And surprised at myself that I could feel this strong with less than a mile to go. I love an adrenaline high! At this point we are running through the streets to get back to the park and the finish line. There are police at all the intersections and we have the right-of-way… thank you very much! As I turned into the park, the course is narrower and people are on each side along the route cheering and again looking for their people. I decide it’s time to do my version of a sprint so I can finish strong! And I see MY PEOPLE again!!! There to take pictures and cheer are Dr. Bowers and Mary and Alden and Darcy! And I know there are a slew of people waiting from other places to hear my story and who have been wishing me well all through. I get to the finish and I get a medal and ice cold water!!! Yea!!! I earned a medal at the Danskin Seattle Triathlon in 2010.

Transition 3 – as I went back to the transition area to collect my phone to connect with others, I had the chance to see Noelle again. She was just in from the bike and just heading out to run. It was so miraculous that we were able to see each other so many times during the race, in spite of the fact that our start times were about 1 ½ hours apart from each other. She looked great and I was glad I knew about how long it would be before she was at the finish line so I could be there to cheer her on.

I connected with Alisa and Case and it was so great to see them and have them experience my joy at the finish. We wandered a bit and I got some food and then we headed back to connect with Patrick and some of Noelle’s People to wait for her finish. It was amazing to see her cross the finish line and know that we had supported each other through this. Our motto – We Rock!

Transition 4 – was home to settle, have a much desired burger and diet Coke and then relax on the couch. I felt pretty good, just tired legs, sore knees and my upper and lower back a bit stiff. Today I feel great, woke up rested and mostly recovered and I’m ready to contemplate my next journey. I think it’s time to start shopping for a new bike…

My times – Total race was within my goal of 3 hours. Swim - 31.09 (I’m happy with that number) Bike – 1:01:50 (I enjoyed it!) Run 49.01 (longer than my usual, but given the circumstances I’m happy)

I did this for myself and only want to compare my stats to what I can do for the next race. I did check my stats against others my age, and had to remind myself that this was not a broad comparison of women my age, but only women who had the courage to actually BEGIN and then finish the race.

It’s time to Journey again…

Friday, August 13, 2010

Life is a Journey....

Well... the weekend of the race is here. I've done all the training I can do. Now it's time to wait and prepare mentally.

I first considered participating in the Danskin Triathlon back in the Fall of 2009 as a way of doing something BIG for my 50th year.  I felt I needed to get my act together physically and I have the looming family history of cardiovascular disease that means I really need to make an effort to exercise daily. The number 50 is significant in that my dad had his first quadruple bypass at 50, his second bypass at 55 and his father died from a heart attack when he was in his 50’s. So, you can see why it was time for me to take on something bigger than I could imagine doing on a daily basis.  By the way, my Dad is 77 now and still enjoying life and frequently going on trips in his trailer. Thank you modern medicine.

I'm continually in awe of the support from my friends and family in so many ways in preparing to do this. So here's a small shout-out to all ya'll that only in a small way can express how much your support means to me.

First and foremost to Dr. Jim Bowers who thought “I could” and then backed that up with amazing training and support in getting me to the strength and fitness level I needed to feel I could do this race. His positive attitude and encouragement have gotten me to this day. The race was his idea and I have to add that this was not the first time he encouraged me to participate in a triathlon. I think there must be a “Code of the Ironman” to encourage ALL others to participate in triathlons. This would be like the Eagle Scout code where you swear to continue to “do good deeds” for the rest of your life. YOU are an Ironman!

And to his patient wife Mary, who showed up supporting us while swimming, biking and running and has also been so encouraging along the way. 

And to Noelle, who is also doing the race and has had her own amazing journey in getting prepared both physically and mentally to take this on. She provided me with the calendar in June that I’ve filled out and include with this post. Thanks for the Thursday morning swims and the lake swims! And to her husband Patrick for wearing that bright orange sweatshirt that we could spot and track to get back to the beach.

And to Julie… who has met me at Green Lake for the past two months almost every Mon, Wed, & Fri at 5:30 am to circle the lake. We started so slow with mostly walking and have built that up to run most of the way with only 1 short walking stretch. We are still slow (my pace), but have vowed to continue our training and soon we will run the full way and also increase our speed. YOU are the Rock Star that we claim ourselves to be.

And to Olivier… my friend who has been so encouraging along the way in so many ways for years and also an amazing massage therapist. I vow to ride my bike more…

And to Alden… you are always so encouraging and my great un-official therapist. I am still smiling at the way you said you would be at the race with, “sister, well of course I’m going to be there!”

And I am amazed by the enthusiasm of my colleagues! I first started telling them I was thinking of doing a Triathlon and they jumped right in with encouragement. Darcy and Stephanie with encouragement from their experiences doing Tri’s. I’m actually kind of speechless that Darcy and Stephanie will be there the day of the race.

And Stacie… you are so encouraging and I wish you could have been my “pit crew”.  My search for the perfect bike will continue and I appreciate the way you and Dave really put so much effort into finding one of your bikes that could possibly work. We’ll celebrate later!

Susan and Lora as the accounting team, I loved that you asked, “how’s the training?” since it gave me the opportunity to share! The whole team put up with me telling them every Monday morning at staff meeting that I swam in the lake!

Alisa, Taylor and Parrish (and Case)… you are so awesome and so supportive. Not once did you ever say, “Mom, what are you thinking?” I appreciate your continued support as I go through my “mid-life crisis” I suppose it could be worse than training a lot and swimming in Lake Washington on Sunday mornings!
Taylor… thanks for timing my short swim in Bowman Lake and getting up to go for a bike ride in Whitefish when you would have rather slept in while we were on vacation. I loved every minute of our trip. Parrish… thanks for the flowers and the beautiful card and for being the sweet you. Alisa… thanks for being there ALWAYS. You have been with me my whole adult life!

And to all the others who encouraged or gave me tips along the way…
Joseph – it was fun to have your face pop up next to me in Lk Washington and bringing Victoria along who shared great breathing tips also. Best wishes on your Lake Stevens ½ Ironman! We’ll celebrate soon!
Rick – for that impromptu, unorthodox swim in Lk Washington on a non-training day and your encouragement along the way. And not getting tired of me telling you each time about what training I did that day.

As I write this I am moved to tears by all of your support and encouragement. I am blessed to have so many wonderful, supportive friends. It will be your friendships that will carry me through as “WE” complete the race on Sunday.

This has been quite a journey for me and now the destination is just around the corner. One of my favorite quotes is, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” I must now vow to take the time to actually enjoy the destination for a bit on Saturday and Sunday as I participate.

Then… on to the next journey….

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Journey to Montana ...

So I recently came back from a wonderful trip to Northwestern Montana with my son Taylor. This trip was great in so many ways, one of which was it being the first mother-son trip I've taken with him. We did a combination of camping and hotels and the camping was the best.

Since I'm in training mode, I told him that I was going to need to continue to train while we traveled and he agreed and was supportive. He timed me while I swam and even crawled out of bed early to go on a bike ride with me. When I went in the water for the lake swim, I told him to time me and let me know every ten minutes and my plan was to swim for 30 minutes. A note about the lake... it was Bowman Lake in the northwest corner of Glacier Park, and it takes quite a drive to get there, not counting the drive from Seattle. The water is absolutely pristine and you can see the bottom as clearly as if it is two feet away. Since I've been open water swimming in Lake Washington with weeds and slimy rocks, this was truly amazing. I was the only person in this huge lake, other than a couple kayaks around the edge. It was an awesome experience. So I swam for a bit and then asked Tay how long and it had only been 5 minutes. At that point it became pretty clear I would not make it for 30 minutes, so I swam for 11 minutes and then decided to call it an experience.

I planned on doing more swims in the lakes and for longer, but given the lakes in Glacier Park are coming straight from melting snow and around 50 degrees, one seemed sufficient.
 The Northwest corner of Montana is lovely country and we got to also see plenty of animals. We seemed to be sharing both of our campsites with deer. A grizzly bear cub crossed right in front of our car (thankfully we didn't see the mom) and saw lots of eagle nests, and soaring eagles, chipmunks, squirrels and other furry things I know not the name of.

And, we did the usual Glacier Park activity of driving on the Road to the Sun, which quite frankly scared the hell out of me. The scenery is lovely! But... the road is very narrow and winding and the closer you get to Logan Pass on one side is a rocky cliff going straight up and the other side of the road is a drop off going straight down with no guard rail.
The total trip was 1300 miles in 4 days and 4 nights. Great food along the way, and the camp food was mostly cooked by Taylor... yea, I love when my kids like to cook for me. We listened to music on the iPod and books on CD loaned by friends.

This is definitely one of the highlights of my 50th year!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Spontaneous swimming...

My 50's list only has 40 things on it, but I expect it will have way more than 50 by the end of my 50th year. The reason I believe this is because I have been having so much fun since I had my birthday. I seem to be continually involved with more invites for fun or things I haven't done since I was a child... like rolling down a grassy hill or swimming in the lake with my clothes on. Now that is a funny story!

We originally were going to the store to pick up cabbage and it was such a lovely day, we decided to go for a walk in a park, and yes, then I could update the list. We hiked down the hill at St. Edwards park to the water and the water looked so lovely, we decided to put our feet in. Well... then my friend was tempted (or dared) to swim in his jeans. Hmm... and I was contemplating the idea, but in white pants I was a tad bit concerned of what the view would be when I exited the water. But the water called and the idea of swimming without a wetsuit was just too much of a temptation. As I was paddling around in waist deep water, it was kindly pointed out that I was a bit lost without a destination... like a buoy... to swim to. It was also a surprise to swim without goggles or a cap to keep the hair out of my face. I never noticed this being a problem as a child, but alas, I've been in training mode.

So this was fun and not on the list and not involved with the training schedule... just spontaneous. So maybe that's the word I need to add to the list...SPONTANEOUS!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Today's the day...

First day of the blog and a note about my journey... I'm doing this blog with the thought of having a place to put some thoughts and share my 50's list. Ok... to those who don't know yet, I'm formulating a list of 50 adventures or things I want to do during the year I'm 50. I still have to figure out how to post that list, so stay tuned.

And this is also a place to post random thoughts about my 50th year, what I'm doing and how I'm working on being a healthier and more fit person who has just entered the arena of life where the kids are grown and I have more time to do things like workout or blog or...

And ...a quick review of my training today. Training for what.... ?
I am training for the Danskin Triathlon which takes place on August 15, so I have just a little less than one month to get my A_ _,  amongst other things, ready.  The Tri is a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 3 mile run.

Today's training was 1/4 mile swim to the buoy and back and then 6 mile bike round trip to I-90.  Noelle and I stopped on the way back to check out I-90, which is where most of the bike portion of the race takes place.

Enough for now.